The Action Phurpa (\(\textit {’phrin las phur}\) pa) from the Eightfold \(\textit {Buddha Word}\), Embodying the \(\textit {Sugatas}\) (bKa’ \(\textit {brgyad bDe gshegs ’dus}\) pa), revealed by Nyang-rel Nyima Özer (1124–1192, Tib. Myang ral Nyi ma ’od zer)
- This paper presents the main findings of an in-depth textual study of the core sections of the "’phrin las phur pa [Action Phurpa]" part of Nyang-rel Nyima Özer’s (Tib. Myang ral Nyi ma ’od zer) revealed corpus of the \(\textit {bKa’ brgyad bDe gshegs ’dus pa}\) [The Eightfold Buddha Word, Embodying the Sugatas]. This research suggests that at least this part of the \(\textit {Eightfold Buddha Word}\) revelation represents the survival of an archaic form of practice on the tantric deity, Vajrakīlaya. Its six sections constitute a coherent whole covering complementary aspects of the tantric rituals, while the second section parallels in its entirety a text from the archaeological recovered manuscripts from a Library Cave in Dunhuang (IOL Tib J 331.III), which dates back over a century before Nyang-rel’s time. Here, a critical edition of that second section of Nyang-rel’s \(\textit {Action Phurpa}\) is presented, taking account of all current extant versions, and supported by consideration of the accompanying materials found in the five other sections.